My Favorite Travel Quotes
Sometimes we seek clarification in life, other times we just like to have a good laugh! In any case, we tend to look for connections – whether through quotes and images, or similar stories from others. All we want is to truly be heard – to be validated on some lever or another, to feel understood and seen by the world – inside and out.
I tend to love poetry, quotes and memes – the deep kind – that I can relate to, or even see things from a different perspective! Sometimes I feel so connected to them, I feel as if they were written just for me. Perhaps they were. They can give meaning to memories, just like music does, and can set the tone or give inspiration to a project or journey. Oftentimes they are merely reflections of what is really happening to us personally: our own viewfinder, and we interpret them as such.
Below I have compiled some of my very favorite quotes – mainly travel ones – but some can also be interpreted as life journey ones, doubling their meaning in certain ways. I’ve also included some imagery to them so they are more or less visually pleasing and easier to connect with.
And one last one for now… by yours truly! 😉

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